Frenchiestore 寵物用品 - 購買 Frenchie 睡衣、法國鬥牛犬服裝、前 D 形環背帶、皮帶等專為法國鬥牛犬設計的產品
Frenchiestore 寵物用品 - 購買 Frenchie 睡衣、法國鬥牛犬服裝、前 D 形環背帶、皮帶等專為法國鬥牛犬設計的產品
If you're looking for some valuable information on the French bulldogs, you've come to the right spot.如果您正在尋找有關法國鬥牛犬的一些有價值的信息,那麼您來對地方了。 The bat-like ears, smushy faces, and the mind-boggling personalities can be very daunting at times.蝙蝠般的耳朵,骯髒的面孔和令人難以置信的性格有時會令人生畏。 Even if you have been researching the French bulldogs for quite some time, there are several things you probably don't know about them.即使您已經研究法國鬥牛犬已有相當一段時間,您可能還是對它們並不了解。 So in this feature, we will enlighten you about a few facts about the French bulldogs.因此,在此功能中,我們將啟發您有關法國鬥牛犬的一些事實。 Make sure to read till the end:確保閱讀到最後:
如果您不知道,法國鬥牛犬被高呼為6th most popular dog breeds across the globe.全球最受歡迎的犬種。 This proves the popularity of the French bulldogs is not hidden from anyone worldwide.這證明法國鬥牛犬的受歡迎程度並沒有被全世界的任何人所掩蓋。 This popular dog breed has made its way in many homes and continues to intrigue millions every day.這種流行的犬種已經在許多家庭中流行起來,並且每天都在成千上萬地吸引著人們。 Even if you sift through a contemporary lane in the US, you will eventually come across many people walking around with French bulldogs.即使您在美國的現代風情中篩選,您最終還是會遇到許多與法國鬥牛犬同行的人。
Contrary to what you've read in most articles on the web, the French bulldogs are not from France.與您在網絡上大多數文章中所讀到的相反,法國鬥牛犬並非來自法國。 Experts have said that one of the ancestors of the French bulldogs is English.專家說,法國鬥牛犬的祖先之一是英語。 You will be astonished to know that the breed was originally termed as the Boule Dog Francais.您會驚訝地知道該犬種最初被稱為法國短尾犬。 Because chanting them as English bulldogs sounded too bizarre, people started calling them the French bulldogs.由於高呼他們為英國鬥牛犬聽起來太離奇了,人們開始稱他們為法國鬥牛犬。 Now, this dog is known as the French bulldog globally, and there is no other name for this breed.現在,這隻狗在全球被稱為法國鬥牛犬,這個品種沒有別的名字了。
The Frenchies can easily befriend your kids and spend valuable time with them.法國人可以輕鬆地與您的孩子成為朋友,並與他們一起度過寶貴的時間。 Especially if you want to improve the safety of your munchkins, bringing the French bulldogs at home will help you achieve this goal.特別是如果您想提高您的混血兒的安全性,將法國鬥牛犬帶回家將有助於您實現這一目標。 Apart from their mind-boggling appearance, the French bulldogs easily align themselves with the little munchkins at home.除了令人難以置信的外表之外,法國鬥牛犬還很容易將自己與家裡的小笨拙犬對齊。 So if you're searching the perfect dog for your home, a French bulldog it is then.因此,如果您正在尋找理想的狗屋,那就是法國鬥牛犬。 However, you need to learn the但是,您需要學習 領養救援犬的技巧 選擇品種時。
One of the leading expenses of any dog is grooming second to vet bills.任何一隻狗的主要費用之一就是要比其他人少花錢。 Because the French bulldogs natural short coat, you don't need to spend a lot of money on grooming.因為法國鬥牛犬是天然的短外套,所以您無需在修飾上花費很多錢。
Much to your surprise, they aren't noisy at all.令您驚訝的是,它們一點也不吵。 This means, if they suspect any unwanted activity at home, the French bulldogs will draw your attention through various means instead of barking at the top of their voice.這意味著,如果法國鬥牛犬懷疑在家中有任何不想要的活動,他們將通過各種方式引起您的注意,而不是發出嘶啞的聲音。 This means, when you decide to bring the tiny bundle of joy to your home, you won't have to worry about the barking noise in most cases.這意味著,當您決定將一小部分歡樂帶回家時,在大多數情況下,您將不必擔心吠叫聲。 This is one of the main reasons why French bulldogs are preferred by millions of pet owners globally.這是為什麼法國鬥牛犬受到全球數百萬寵物主人青睞的主要原因之一。
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